Carl Zellers Der Vogelhändler mit Katrin Caine, Jean-Michel Ringadoo und dem Chor von Opera Mauritius.

Operetta in Mauritius

Ein Text von Thierry Nic-Tuher, den wir aus dem 1. Newsletter genommen haben und erneut als Blogtext veröffentlicht.

The Stage of the Mahatma Gandhi Institute was the perfect set for the operetta concert, organized by Friends of the Opera Mauritius, on Saturday 4th October 2014. It was as a reminiscence of those past performances (both by foreign and local artists) that Friends of the Opera took the challenge to bring operettas back to Mauritius through a concert of the most beautiful excerpts ever!

Through their determination and hard work, the organisers, artists, and above all, the encouraging audience proved that there still is a desire for such concerts and performances in Mauritius.
The soloists Véronique Zuël-Bungaroo, Katrin Caine, and Jean-Michel Ringadoo among others, the lively operetta choir, the pianist Viktoria Multykh and the ensemble Alizés conducted by Gérard Telot, were outperformed by the audience singing the most famous pieces from Zum Weißen Rössl, Lippen Schweigen.
The success of this event will definitely make way for more events of the kind to be held hopefully very soon!


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Thierry Nic-Tuher wird regelmäßig für den OPERNPOST-Newsletter direkt aus Mauritius berichten. Erst diesen Monat erschien ein ausführliches Porträt des Bassbaritons in der Zeitung 5 plus. Den französischsprachigen Artikel finden Sie hier.

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